Secure, Fast & Easy🔥

Start and grow a US business from anywhere.

Blockchain Api for

Use simple & straightforward HTTP-based APIs to build amazing web3 experiences. No crypto knowledge necessary.

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Multichaine compatible
Nitrobase Features

Build web3 experiences like never before

Everything you need to build on the Blockchain

Payment and rewards

"With Nitrobase, you can seamlessly integrate robust web3 capabilities into your Ecommerce, unlocking token-based commerce, NFT loyalty programs, digital collectible sales, and beyond."

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Unlocking Versatile Digital Asset Custody

With Nitrobaset's multi-party computation (MPC) support, you can embrace a diverse range of custodial models

And tools to manage them securely

Dashboard helps you manage your digital assets with ease while our policy engine keeps your assets safe.

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Build blockchain games on any platform

Add web3 features to your game on all platforms, including: Native, Mobile, Console, Browser and VR.

Monitor all of your game insights including transaction count, volume, gas spend per contract to inform your game development.

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start with mailroom and agent

Unleash Blockchains's most powerful NFT API

Keep your NFT data fresh and accurate with instant lookups of up-to-date NFT metadata by token ID or collection metadata, including symbols, descriptions, optimized images, collection traits, and much more.

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Get more done with Nitrobase.

Starting a company should be a celebration, not a nightmare.

Transparent Pricing

Free during development

Our flat and transparent pricing includes everything your business needs.

24/7 Customer Support

Global Customer Support

Get helpful, real human answers from our dedicated support teams wherever you are.

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

7-Day Money Back Guarantee

If you’re not satisfied for any reason, you’ll get a full refund, minus state and third-party fees, within 7 days of purchase.

Get started with Nitrobase

Enterprise-grade APIs and real-time blockchain data that make Web3 development as easy as Web2. Bring Web3 to any platform